Surrey Hants Borders

SHB Christmas Party - Woking Railway Club

Friday 13 December 2024 19:00

Our annual Christmas Party will be held on Friday 13th December from 7pm at the Woking Railway Athletic Club in Woking. As well as an excellent range of beers the evening will feature a quiz, raffle and buffet.

If you are planning to attend, please email Nick Banyard at ku.gro.armac.bhs@yraterces so we have a broad idea of numbers.

The buffet will cost £8 per head payable in advance and must be booked by Friday 6th December. Payment may be made via PayPal at (use your name and "Christmas party" as the reference) or via bank transfer. When emailing Nick to book food say whether you are paying via PayPal or need bank details.

There will be the traditional raffle. Tickets are £1 cash only (crypto and other payment methods not accepted) so it’s time to check down the side of the sofa for those stray pound coins!