Surrey Hants Borders

News and Ale

News and Ale is the magazine of the Surrey/Hants Borders branch which is produced in collaboration with the other Surrey branches. It is packed full of articles, pub reviews and brewery news along with a number of advertisements for pubs serving real ale in our area.

Our editor is always looking for articles and pub clips. Please contact News & Ales Editor if you would be interested in contributing to the magazine.

The print edition can be picked up free of charge from many pubs throughout Surrey and North-East Hampshire. Selected content and announcements about recent publications, including links to flickable online views, are in the table below.

PDFs of recent editions can also be found at News and Ale Downloads. To mark the 150th edition we have been digging back through the archives maintained by some of our long standing members and some of the very earliest editions, predating even the name “News and Ale” can be viewed at Historic News and Ale.